Phong shading refers to an interpolation technique for surface shading in 3D computer graphics. It is also called Phong interpolation or normal-vector interpolation shading.
phong shadingとは意味:《コ》フォン?シェーディング(技法{ぎほう}[加工{かこう}])◆面を構成する頂点の法線から各点の法線を線形補間で求め、得られた法線から各点の明るさを求めるシェーディング技法。Phong は考案者の名前。 phong shading meaning:[Computer] < graphics > A model of how light is reflected from surfaces used extensively in three dimensional graphics to generate visually realistic images.phong shading перевод:затушевывание по методу Фонга Phong shading затушевывание по методу Фонга